Neil Gorsuch — a Poster Child for the Callousness and Self-Absorption that Dominates Modern American Culture

Marc Gimbel
2 min readJan 27, 2022
While COVID-19 rages, Gorsuch Refuses to Wear a Mask

The picture tells it all: despite COVID-19 continuing to spread rampantly, over 800,000 Americans already dead from the virus, hospitals throughout the country struggling to find room to care for affected patients, AND his colleague to his right, Sonia Sotomayor, having diabetes — a factor that increases her risk of serious illness or death should she contract COVID — Gorsuch refuses to take the minor precautionary measure of wearing a mask when in court with his colleagues.

Never mind that SCOTUS rules require attorneys, clerks, and all other persons attending court to wear masks; nor that the Chief Justice requested that all of the Justices wear masks, “out of respect for their collegues,” Gorusch seems to feel it is too much of an imposition to simply put on a mask — and refuses to do so.

To hell with his colleagues’ health, and screw the health concerns of anyone else in the courtroom, what matters most to this model of shitbaggery is that he is not impositioned. And this self-absorbed, callous attitude toward others exemplifies America today, where common courtesy and consideration have given way to selfishness and lack of consideration for others.

When a Justice of the Supreme Court shows this sort of disregard for basic decency, what are we to expect from the general public?

Well done, Neil Gorsuch. You are a disgrace to humanity, and an embarrassment to the country you serve.



Marc Gimbel

Existentialist, liberal thinker, sometimes writer, life-long motorcyclist, wonder-full stargazer, mildly hopeful realist.